Friday, February 3, 2012

Divinely simple

Ok, ok I know I haven't blogged in a while, I know! So much has happened in the last few months I could barely catch my breath! The last few months have been filled to the brim with some really high highs and some very big lows for us. Once again, at the center of it all, was my Lord, He was teaching me so many important lessons in this season. One I learned today.

Recently two wonderful kids, that we had the sheer pleasure of having in our home for nearly 14 months, went home. Their leaving rocked my world, and I am still feeling the after shocks. Everyday is a constant reminder of the hole they left in our home. This one is going to take a while to heal from. Besides the obvious loss, we also have decided to take a step back from fostering for a while possibly permanently because this return was particularly hard on Raelynn and we felt God calling us somewhere else. This too has been a struggle for me. Although, it is nice to focus on our family, fostering has become such a part of me in so many ways. I have been feeling without a purpose. Searching for some sort of a calling that would be as defined as fostering was.
Well, today I was talking about this with a dear, dear friend who reminded me that motherhood was one of the greatest callings one could have. She asked me if I had ever thought if my calling right now was to simply focus on my family and have a season of rest. Still, I thought this paled in comparison to the ministry I had been blessed to be a part of before. (I know I am stubborn!)
I went on and had a doctors appointment with Keli. It was the best report yet. He was very pleased with her progress and could see great things in her future. On the way home it clicked! I am a part of something amazing! So much bigger than anything else I have ever done in my walk with Christ. My kids, and my family! The odds that have been beaten and hurdles we have over come are all due to the grace, love and mercy my God has given. None of this would have been possible outside of Him. I have been charged with a huge calling to make sure I "teach them in the way they should go"(proverbs 22:6)to share our testimony. And so once again I feel like a mama with a mission!


  1. Absolutely! You got it, and you'll continue to get it I'm sure! But don't beat yourself up when you lose sight of it either...God has a unique way of bringing it all back into prospective. I love you girl and you are doing an amazing Job of being Child, Wife, Mama and Friend (mentor). Have a great day!
