Tuesday, March 29, 2011

its been a while!

Well, it has been awhile since I blogged. Sorry about that! I guess in the long list of crazy things that happen to the Moore's you can add being robbed! They took my laptop and I just now got around to replacing it! As one of my best friends Tiffany said "only the Moore's"! Any who, heres what's new for us! We are currently working on Keli's adoption and ready to get that done! The boy child did return home with little word on his progress but I know he is safe. Well, to say the least with adopting a medically fragile child our thinking towards the future is evolving. There are new things on our horizon all which are exciting and scary all at the sametime! Just in prayer mode right now on how this is all going to come together. I am trusting God and why not look at all the amazing things He has done in my life so far! Well friends I will try to get better about blogging now that I have a puter again! Love you all!!!!

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